Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Next week in China!!!

I can not believe that it is almost time for Susanne and I to fly to China to get our girls.  It was 5 years ago on Thanksgiving weekend when we filled out the application form and started our paperchase for our child.  Little did we know that we would be waiting 5 years, but we also did not know that we were going to be gifted with two beautiful little girls who we will be meeting in 13 days. 

Their room has been almost done for four years lacking just a crib or a bed.  Now it has two adorable toddler beds in it just waiting for little ones to sleep in them. 

Soon Susanne's and my life will change forever, I wish it was today!



  1. Anticipation.....but then, you're used to that, right? I think it's even harder once you have those pictures.

  2. Can't wait to see the pictures. Blessings

  3. Safe travels, Susanne and Larry. Many blessings to your new family.

