Sunday, July 14, 2013

Another Rough Night

So last night I got about three hours of sleep.  We had another bed wetting episode - at midnight.  It is the same daughter who has been having issues.  When I came in the bedroom she had the lights on and was trying to change herself and the bed.  She was very upset that I would be angry and I have to admit I am starting to get frustrated. 

Once I got the bed remade and the girls asleep I slipped back to my bed only to be jolted awake again with in the hour by crying.  The same daughter was having a nightmare.  For the next four hours every time I tried to leave one or the other or both would cry and beg me not to leave because they were having a bad dream.

I finally told them I would lay on the playroom futon outside of their bedroom.  Even though they barely slept they both still got up at their usual time.  So I consequently did not get much sleep.  When we talked about it this morning one daughter said she dreamed about a bad guy from a game she played.  We erased the game from both Kindles and have told them no Kindle time after supper.

We did go back to Lowes for a Build and Grow clinic where the girls made a Toy Story Pizza Planet truck.  We went to a different Lowes and were happy that they provided chairs with their tables.  This time the crowd was smaller and we let the girls take their time.  Both girls enjoyed pounding the nails and putting on the decorative stickers.

Rose at work.

Dad and Roni.

Completed truck.

Roni rocking her "pearls".

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